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Painting Urban Landscape with Hadas Tal **CANCELED**



Date: Saturday March 21, 2020 - Sunday March 22, 2020
Time: 10am-5:00pm, 1 hour lunch break
Cost: $300.00 early bird price, $320.00 after Nov. 30th. (Please email for early bird price)

Installment option available upon request.

During this workshop, Hadas Tal will discuss color theory, color temperature & value with direct demos & hands on discussion.  She will talk about scale, composition, while interpreting & constructing an image from a photo reference of your choice that will result in an image that marries realism & abstraction.  She will go into detail with mark making, premixing your colors, shape, value, & scale & taking your work to the next level.

Open to all levels. Acrylic painters welcome!

You will watch a short slideshow of her work and a number of important contemporary painters who have made big contributions in the Art World. 

Learn how to paint beyond the photo reference with Hadas!

About the instructor, Hadas Tal, please visit:

- A pre primed birch wood panel or canvas of your choice
- Size is up to you, I recommend going a bit larger than the typical demo size
- Decide if you wish to work on a square or rectangle format. If for example, you have a rectangle sized photo reference, use a rectangle board that is double or triple the size.
i.e. if your photo reference, is 8 x 10, use a 16 x 20 size panel. If it is 10 x 10 use a 20 x 20 inch panel.
These are good sizes:
16 x 16
18 x 12
12 x 16
18 x 18
Make sure it is primed, dry & ready to paint.
Use any Acrylic primer or Oil Ground Primer.
Or buy a pre primed panel from the Art Store.

- Grey Matters disposable palette
- Oil Paint, choose from either: Gamblin, Utrecht, WIndsor & Newton, or Sennelier

Old Holland and Williamsburg brands are very good but very pricey.
If you are new to oil painting, save your money for the student grade.
Blick oil paint is good too.

Colors to bring in:
Black (Mars, Lamp)
White (Titanium)
Yellow Ochre
Cad Yellow light or medium
Raw Sienna
Naples Yellow Light
Alizarin Crimson
Cad Red light or medium
Burnt Sienna
Van Dyke Brown
Pthalo Green
Ultramarine Blue
Kings Blue Deep or Light
If you are missing a color when you are here, I can loan you the color you desire.
If you are missing any other tools in your painting kit, you can use one from me.
I ask that you contribute a few dollars to the pot for Art Supplies.

- Brushes:
Bring in a variety of brushes - I prefer flats, in a variety of sizes no smaller than size 6
sizes 8, 10, and 12
Bring in a 2-inch house painting brush for oils - you can buy cheaply at the hardware store.
Bring in a Big Roll of Paper Towels (the super absorbent kind such as VIVA or a pile of cloth rags)
Bring in a Sealed Container to store your Solvents – such as a glass container with a lid or used coffee can with a lid. They are also available in the art stores.

- Solvents: Oder less Mineral Spirits, Do not bring in pure Turpentine - it is very toxic & not allowed in the classroom.
-Linseed Oil, Liquin, or Gamblin Solvent Gel are good solvents to bring in to mix with oil paint
I use 50% Linseed Oil & 50% Dammar Varnish
Palette Knife - bring in at least 2 palette knives to mix paint on your palette. Bring in the large kind not small.

Acceptable Payments:

Check for $320.00 made out to: 
Liv and Chiu art studio
1355 4th Street, 2nd Floor, 8A
Berkeley, CA 94710
Venmo $320.00 to @livandchiuartstudio
PayPal $320.00 to PayPal.Me/livandchiuartstudio
